Chairlift Type: Riblet Triple Chairlift
Mount: Standard Ceiling Mount
Seat: White Oak Semi Gloss Finish
Location: Sun Valley, ID
We can't take full-credit for this beautiful install, as the vision for this historic Riblet Triple Chairlift came directly from Sarah Latham of Latham Interiors. Take a peak at this impressive set-up photographed by Mike Schirf.

Riblet Tramway Company was one of the first, and once the largest, ski chairlift manufacturers in the world and still have chairs in operation all over the globe.
Considering the breadth of coverage it is quite interesting that this particular chair was manufactured in Spokane, WA, just across the Idaho border, where it is now installed in Sun Valley. A coming home story to the Pacific Northwest it adds quite a bit of character to an already stunning home.

Sarah and her family have spent years skiing in Sun Valley Idaho, and this particular installation helps capture and preserve the wonderful memories they have shared.

This beautiful white-oak semi-gloss finish is an impressive example of how creative collaboration between Ski Lift Designs and its clients can lead to a meaningful and, honestly, cool addition to your home.